Increasing rip current awareness through education and research.
Rip currents are the #1 hazard at surf beaches.
Our mission is to reduce the number of rip current deaths and injuries by educating the public on how to spot, avoid and escape these dangerous currents.
What is a rip current?
Rip Currents are powerful currents of water moving away from shore, capable of sweeping even the strongest swimmers out to sea. Although estimates vary, rip currents are responsible for approximately 100 deaths every year and probably thousands worldwide. Through raising awareness and increasing understanding, we seek to dramatically reduce the number of fatalities from this lurking danger.
Learn about rips from Dr. Beach
How do you decide where to swim at the beach? Do you look for calmer water between the breaking waves? Many people choose the wrong spot to enter the water! Learn about the safest places to swim and how to identify rip currents in this video by Dr. Beach.
What to do if caught in a rip current
Never panic. Try to float by lying on your back and by treading water. It’s important to remember that it’s easier to float than it is to remain perpendicular.
Don’t fight the current by trying to swim against it. If necessary, ride it out.
Swim parallel or at an angle to shore until you feel the current weakening. Once the current weakens, swim toward shore in a relaxed manner while trying to breathe normally and not hyperventilate. If lifeguards are visible, wave your arms and yell for help.
Have a personal rip current story?
Many people have had the terrifying experience of being caught in a rip current and pulled out to sea. However, the public is mostly unaware of these dangerous currents. Share your story and help spread the word and bring awareness to your community.